Flower Care.

You’ve received your gorgeous arrangement, now here are some tips for making it last:

  • Keep your flowers away from sunlight and heat sources. Yes, flowers need heat and light to grow, but after they are cut they need cool, non-direct sunlight areas.

  • Make sure the vase water stays clean. Use the flower food included in your delivery and give your blooms fresh water every few days. Dirty water will clog the stems and they won’t be able to drink.

  • Is a flower starting to wilt? Give the stem a half to one inch cut. Often that fresh opening helps hydrate the flower. If that doesn’t seem to help, just take it out. Some flowers simply don’t last as long as others.

  • As your flowers expire, pull them out and rearrange your bouquet enjoying each and every bloom as long as possible!

  • Flowers arranged in floral foam: Make sure the foam is always saturated with water and flower food. You can take a wilting stem out, recut it, and replace in the same spot in the foam.

  • Hydrangeas: Hydrangeas are thirsty blooms and can actually hydrate through their petals! If a hydrangea is starting to wilt, submerge the entire flower in a bucket of clean, cool water for about 20 minutes. Take it out and shake off excess water. Cut the stem at an angle, dip it in Alum (Pickling preservative) and place in a vase of water. Watch your hydrangea perk up in a matter of hours!

  • Tulips: Tulips continue to grow after they are cut due to a plant hormone they have. They can grow up to 6 more inches! They are also phototropic-they grow towards a light source. So if you notice your tulips getting taller and moving around, you aren’t imagining things. Because of the continued growth, you can pull them out of the vase or foam, cut an inch or so off and replace. If left to grow, they start to look out of place in an arrangement.